Monday, October 8, 2012

Research Based Guidelines

In order for me to produce a successful e-learning lesson, I had to incorporate some research based guidelines.  A few of the guidelines utilized through out the lesson is the inclusion of the multimedia principle, contiguity, navigation options as well as the guidelines for games and simulations.  Providing the learner a lesson that included these principles and their guidelines helped to enhance the learning.

Multimedia can be looked at from several aspects.  This is not just a picture or video, this includes the use of podcasts, vodcast, music, animated graphics and graphics with words.  Being able to offer the learner various ways to learn a subject shows you are trying to reach more than one type of learner.  The contiguity principle allows for the learner to see words along side the picture that they should be focusing on.  This keeps the learner from being distracted and allows them to put two and two toegether. 
The Navigation options through out the lesson also gives the learner the opportunity to either search within the lesson or outside the lesson for clarity or to bring in new relevant information to incorporate with what they have already learned.  This too gives the learner the control over how they are learning and the choice to choose how long they stay on a particular page of the lesson.

The learner is not forced into a pace that they can not handle.  The learner should feel in full control yet well informed and fully supported during this experience.

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